Welcome to Run Bryson City and the Firecracker 5K!
Thursday July 4, 2024
8:00 am, Riverfront Park
Bryson City, NC
Why We Run The Rotary Club of Bryson City is the only service club in Bryson City/Swain County. This year the money raised from the 5K will support our scholarship fund:
Our county high school is located in Western North Carolina. Our county is comprised of 527.7 square miles, of which 80% is under federal ownership. Our population is 13,916 people in 2023 with an unemployment rate of 3.4% and household listed at 12.8% living below the poverty level. Swain County High School has approximately 560 students enrolled with 27% considered economically disadvantaged. We have a graduation rate of 77% students. We want to be able to support our rising college freshman with college scholarships.
Since 1934, Rotary Club of Bryson City has supported the youth of Swain with thousands of dollars in college scholarships. In 2022 we awarded 9 Swain County students $22,000 to help further their academic journey.
The Rotary Club of Bryson City sponsors a high school club-Interact. This group of dynamic young people has raised money for economic opportunities for residents in other countries with the gift of domestic farm animals and sewing machines so Indian woman can become economically Independent.
This site is made possible and supported by the Rotary Club of Bryson City.
2024 Rotary Club of Bryson City scholarship recipients. This year $20,000 was awarded to 5 students.